On (05/15/06 19:29), Jon LaBadie wrote:
> I've never heard of it using sendmail by default.  grep'ping the source
> found no instance of sendmail.  But the configure script has lines like:
>   for ac_prog in Mail mailx mail
>   case $MAILER in # Let the user override the test with a path. 
>   error: Set MAILER to some program that accepts -s subject user < 
> message_file.
>   echo "WARNING: Amanda cannot send mail reports without these programs."
> Which suggest to me that only MUA's are looked for.

That's true, I wasn't able to find any mention of sendmail in the source
either.  But if I don't set MAILER, it seems to find that anyway.  I've
checked my backup user's environment, and it doesn't set MAILER either.
Perhaps I have a link somewhere to sendmail that shouldn't be there.

I suppose I'll just go ahead and keep setting MAILER=/usr/bin/Mail.  One
more small dependency is not too bad, I guess.

Thanks for spending the time to help with such a minor problem.


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