* James Lamanna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20060522 21:52]:
> Hi.
> I have a couple of XFS + TAR partitions that I'm backing up onto tape.
> There are no errors thrown when backing up, however whenever I try to
> amrestore one of the XFS partition dump files I get the following:
> # amrestore /dev/nst0
> amrestore:   1: restoring fs0.fs0-users.20060522.0
> amrestore: read error: Input/output error
> gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
> now if I skip that partition (with mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1), I can
> amrestore the TAR paritions fine (until I get to the other XFS
> partition).
> This is with Amanda 2.4.5.
> dumptype is
> index
> compress client best
> Any ideas what might be happening here?

Do the basic tests with the basic tools, dd, mt and xfsrestore:
position the tape head, and see what xfsrestore tells you.

mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf xxx
dd if=/dev/nst0 count=1 bs=32k

and if at the right place, reposition the tape head and do a
interactive xfsrestore (I don't how you compressed so just squeeze a
gzip pipe in between dd and xfsrestore below, the command should be
given by the dd step above):

mt -f /dev/nst0 status
mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf xxx
dd if=/dev/nst0 bs=32k skip=1 | xfsrestore -i - .

If xfsrestore is happy, try to list the archive content and see if you
can restore some files/dirs.

The debug output from your amrestore attempt should give you a clue as
to what's going wrong.


> Thanks.
> -- James

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