Paul Lussier wrote:

Hi all,

I have a 1 TB RAID5 array which I inherited. The previous admin configured it to be a single file system as well. The disklist I have set up currently splits this file system up into multiple DLEs for backup purposes and dumps them using gtar.

In the past, on systems with multiple partitions, I would configure all file systems on different physical drives to be backed up in parallel. Since this system has but 1 file system, I've been backing them up one at a time. But since this is a RAID array, it really wouldn't matter whether this were many file systems or 1, since everything is RAIDed out across all disks, would it?

There is nothing to RAID out. Avoiding spindle movement is both the key longer disk life time and performance. Since in the raid blocks are spreed sequentially (w.r.t the file) among most (raid5) of the avail platters, it will behave more like a single spindle with more layers.

So, my question is this: Am I doing the right thing by dumping these DLEs serially, or can I dump them in parallel?

Dumping this DLEs sequentially is your only option to keep spindle movements low. So your doing it the way I would do it.
Anything else should reduce your throughput.


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