(sorry for the misformulation of my first mail, I really meant that amandad, 
not amdump, was to run scripts before/after backup)

Le Jeudi 01 Juin 2006 14:46, Jon LaBadie a écrit :
> >
> > IMHO, I think this is a quite common problem.
> > Moreover, a "tar wrapper" is not practical when there are several DLEs
> > for the same host.
> Sure it is.  Though the wrapper is quite customized then.
> The wrapper can examine the arguments passed to tar to
> determine which DLE is the target and whether it is for
> estimate or dump purposes.

In fact I'm not asking for such a fine grained setup. I'd be perfectly happy 
with only a way to have amandad run scripts before and after backing up only, 
whatever the number of DLEs. At least, that's my need: a wrapper over 
amandad, not gtar.

For instance, you could have two directories /etc/amandad/before (note the 
"d") and /etc/amandad/after with scripts named 00stoporacle, 01stopmysql, 

Francis Galiegue, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One2team - 12bis rue de la Pierre Levée, 75011 PARIS - 0143381980

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