Paul Bijnens wrote:
On 2006-06-13 10:32, Toralf Lund wrote:

  2. What happens to the holding disk file after a dump is partially
     written to tape? Will Amanda keep the entire file, or just what
     will be written next time around? And what if the holding disk
     data is split into "chunks"?

Amanda keeps the entire dump, and will be flushed entirely again
on the next amflush or autoflush.
You mean entirely as in the whole DLE? That would mean that tape splitting is restricted to multiple tapes written in the same run, which would be rather disappointing.

Yes indeed.  The whole DLE.  A singe DLE still needs to be written
in one run, possibly using many tapes.
Oh no... Like I said, that's a big disappointment. I'm tempted to say that it is not correct to claim that Amanda now suppots tape spanning, if it can't span dumps across tapes written in separate runs.

Shouldn't it be able to delete the corresponding data from the holding disk file as tape-chunks are successfully written - so that only the remaining chunks would be flushed on the next run? Seems like this should be easy enough to implement, especially if you interact with holding disk chunks in a constructive manner. Is there any reason why nobody has looked into this, except for lack of time?

But you may still split a veeeerrrryyyy large DLE into smaller ones
using the include/exclude mechanism that exists for a long time.
Yeah, I know, but hasn't the fact that you have to do that always been seen as the one big limitation of Amanda? I was hoping this was gone now now ;-(

This thing is, setting up the exclusions/inclusions right is nearly always non-trivial on a system with dynamic data, and in a setup I'm looking at now, it will simply be impossible to specify a static config for this. Without real tape overflow support, we'll simply have to update amanda.conf every day. The actual update may perhaps be done automatically, but I was rather hoping I wouldn't have to implement a tool for that, and the dump database etc. will obviously also get very messy.

Differently put, I don't want to set up an amanda config which has the odd DLE that's slightly larger than a tape - I want *all* DLEs to be like that. I may be able to assume that they are never larger than two tapes, so I could use "runtapes 2", but I fear that this would lead to too much waste of tape space. I suspect the only way to get the full dumps evenly split across a relatively limited number of tapes, will be to set "runtapes" large enough for all full dumps to fit into one run, but this is probably not possible in practice.

Only now you are not limited by the capacity of a single tape anymore.

Or maybe you misunderstood the question. Sorry if I was a bit unclear, but I'm not sure what terminology to use, now. What do you (should we) call one piece of output from the "tape split"? And what should "dump" be taken to mean? The entire output from the backup of one DLE, or one entry from the tape splitting. And what will a holding disk file contain, anyway? Again, will it be data for the whole DLE, or one instance of output from the split operation? (Like I said, I'm testing a bit as I write this, but haven't been able to draw any conclusions yet, mainly because I had to re-build amanda just now...)

A piece of a DLE on tape:  a tape-chunk. [ And so on ]
OK. Thanks.

- Toralf

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