On Friday 16 June 2006 10:53, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> On 2006-06-14 21:31, Anne Wilson wrote:
> [...]
> > I've lost the thread here - which file do you want to see, please?
> Actually, I lost the thread here too.  It's been long ago, and I do
> not keep all those mails.
> [...]
> > And this would exclude the whole tree under ./anne/Photos etc.?  Maybe I
> > should try that way tomorrow.
> Try again with the new experience you have and if it does not work
> out, send us the problem description again.

I realised late last night that the error message I see in the report has now 
changed.  It looks as though I have somehow turned off tape-spanning, so that 
it is trying to get everything onto one DVD size tape:

  planner: borg /home 20060615 0 [dump larger than available tape space, 
4650086 KB, full dump delayed]

I've been going through amanda.conf again this morning, trying to see where 
the problem is, but haven't spotted it so far.  Which parameters do I need to 
check, please?

Here are some of the settings that seem relevant:

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
    index yes
    # record no
    tape_splitsize      400 Mb
#   split_diskbuffer    "/dumps"
    fallback_splitsize  100m
    maxpromoteday       1
define tapetype HARD-DISK {
        comment "WD 120GB drive hdb6"
        lbl-templ "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/3hole.ps"
        length 4100 mbytes # will burn to DVD
runtapes        10
tpchanger       "chg-disk"
tapetype        HARD-DISK


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