Hello again: I started configuring amanda in little spurts as I take care of other issues. This is what I have so far:
############################################## => global.conf <= define tapetype PV124LTO2 { comment "Copied this from a website" length 203061 mbytes filemark 972 kbytes speed 2272 kps } ############################################## => amanda.conf <= dumpcycle 7 runspercycle -1 tapecycle 7 dumpuser "amanda" printer "lp" tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx" tapedev "/dev/nst0" runtapes 1 labelstr "^EXAMPLE-[0-9][0-9]*$" tapetype PV124LTO2 ctimeout 60 dtimeout 3600 etimeout 600 netusage 2000 inparallel 10 dumporder "tttTTTTTTT" maxdumps 10 bumpsize 10 bumpmult 1.5 bumpdays 1 diskfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist" infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo" logdir "/etc/amanda/DailySet1" indexdir "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/index" tapelist "tapelist" tapebufs 20 reserve 100 autoflush off includefile "/etc/amanda/global.conf" ############################################## => changer.conf <= changerdev=/dev/sg1 firstslot=1 lastslot=6 cleanslot=-1 autoclean=0 havereader=0 offline_before_unload=0 OFFLINE_BEFORE_UNLOAD=0 poll_drive_ready=10 max_drive_wait=120 unloadpause=20 driveslot=0 ############################################## # mtx -f /dev/sg1 inquiry Product Type: Medium Changer Vendor ID: 'DELL ' Product ID: 'PV-124T ' Revision: '0026' Attached Changer: No ############################################## What other settings should I configure? So far I am getting: # su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amtape DailySet1 show" amtape: could not get changer info: line 324: /dev/null: Permission denied ///////////////////////////////////// Ronald Vincent Vazquez Vice President of Technology Group Senior Unix Systems Administrator Senior Network Manager Christ Tabernacle Church Ministries http://www.ctcministries.org/ (301) 540-9394 Home (240) 401-9192 Cell