Joshua Baker-LePain --> amanda-users (2006-06-17 06:53:42 -0400):
> On Sat, 17 Jun 2006 at 10:33am, Jukka Salmi wrote
> >to backup some client systems I use an Amanda config containing
> >
> >     dumpcycle 0 days
> >     tapecycle 4 tapes
> >
> >which I run manually from time to time. The config uses the file driver
> >(in case this matters).
> >
> >Because on some clients lots of files were moved during the last amdump
> >run, I'd like to repeat it - but I'd like it to overwrite the tape
> >which was used in the "failed" run. How can I achieve this? Simply
> >running amdump again uses the next tape...
> amdump $CONFIG

Thanks a lot!

For the archives: I needed to specify the slot number to amlabel
(`amlabel $CONFIG $TAPETORERUN slot $slot'), otherwise it tried to
label one of the active tapes.

Regards, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~

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