On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 at 4:27pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

I'd start by using amtapetype to test your new drive, both for hardware
compression and native speed.  I'd also look at adding a holding disk to
your config, if at all possible.

Thanks for the response.  Here's what I get with amtapetype:

su-2.05a$ amtapetype -f /dev/nrsa0

amtapetype runs better when given an estimate of the tapelength.

Writing 256 Mbyte   compresseable data:  92 sec
Writing 256 Mbyte uncompresseable data:  90 sec

That's a check to see if hardware compression is enabled -- it isn't. That's good.

Estimated time to write 2 * 1024 Mbyte: 720 sec = 0 h 12 min
wrote 763218 32Kb blocks in 2334 files in 13153 seconds (short write)

763218*32KiB = 23.3GiB, /13153s = 1857 KiB/s. Those are pretty similar to what your network dumps were getting. So it's your tape drive and/or tapes that are the issue. Again, I have no experience with DLT, but check your tapes to make sure they're really 35GB capacity. Any problems with the SCSI chain? Does the drive simply need to be cleaned?

It's going through another write at the moment, but I assume "short write"
means it isn't getting full capacity from the tape?  Not sure what those

"short write" simply means that it tried to write another 32KB block, and there wasn't room on the tape for it. That's what happens when you hit EOT.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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