On Fri, Jun 23, 2006 at 01:18:15PM -0400, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> Hello amanda users,
> I'm confused as to why these dumps, where are late in to be
> dumped today (there are 50 some entries in the disklist) are
> not making use of the work area.
> The current partition is only provide 10 Gig and the work area
> is 67 Gig and is completely free.
> Once earlier/completed DLE finish with the work area the work
> area is re-used by DLE that are dumped later in the amdump run.
> Or so I'd thought...
> # df -kh /amanda/work
> Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/dsk/c7t6d0s0       67G   112M    67G     1%    /amanda
> # /usr/local/sbin/amstatus ninfo | grep dump
> Using /usr/local/etc/amanda/ninfo/DailySet1/amdump from Thu Jun 22 18:30:00 
> EDT 2006
> lyra:/db1             1 10311197k dumping to tape (13:02:00)

As you are dumping direct to tape.

My first thought is you have defined your holding disk incorrectly
(eg syntax or spelling error) or you have "reserve"d too much of it
for incrementals (the default is 100%) in degraded mode.

It is also possible you have "holdingdisk no" in your dumptype.

> lyra:/db2             1 18694369k wait for dumping 
> lyra:/db3             0 23086605k wait for dumping 
> lyra:/space           0 31562335k wait for dumping 
> nnewton:/alm2         0 21446182k wait for dumping 
> nnewton:/logs-archive 0 70564962k wait for dumping 

If not software compressed, this DLE will not fit the holding disk
and will have to go straight to tape.

> nnewton:/nfsamba2     0 31602082k wait for dumping 
> nnewton:/nfsamba3     1  5410642k wait for dumping 
> ranokao:/             0  8188064k wait for dumping 
> wait for dumping:  15            210555241k           ( 62.25%)
> dumping to tape :   1             10311197k           (  3.05%)
> dumping         :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> dumped          :  48 127720762k 127684622k (100.03%) ( 37.76%)
> 7 dumpers idle  : not-idle
>  dumper0 busy   : 18:17:45  ( 99.98%)
>  0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
>  1 dumper busy  : 18:18:00  (100.00%)            not-idle: 18:18:00  (100.00%)

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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