Not certain of any of these comments,
but I'll make them anyway :)

On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 01:53:24AM -0700, silpa kala wrote:
> Hi,
> Anybody help me out to understand the source code.I
> given the information what i understood. Please
> correct me if I am wrong.
> Planner sends the request to the client(amandad)to get
> the estimation of the backup data. planner module is
> present at server side and amandad service is present
> at the client side. Suppose if i am taking the backup
> only for the server means DLE has an entry with the
> server address. In this scenario the server act as a
> client, server bind the ipaddress as a noop,

I think it was Paul B who said the address
meant the local host was listening for a remote host
to connect to the socket specified by the number after
the zero address.

> and client bind the ipaddress and port no
> as {My server address is

I took that posters commets to mean when you saw
an address followed by the port number it meant a
remote host (the address) was now connected to the
port number.  Probably a repeat of a port number
previously mentioned as beining listened upon.

> Client has the module “noop” , which provides the
> compatibility with the server module.

I think "noop" is a pseudo-message sent from server
to client.  Older client's respond with "huh?", newer
clients respond with their feature capabilities.

> Client has the module “Sendsize” which send the
> estimated size information to the server.
> Planner sends this information to the driver which
> initiates the dumper and taper process.
> Client has the “sendbackup” module , which bind the IP
> address has with the port no as TCP
> unprivileged ports and make the connection with the
> dumper has the IP address as with the
> privileged port no. Sendbackup connects three port nos
> which has to send the backup image, message and index.
> Runtar, Rundump module performs the backup according
> the program configured as tar ,dump respectively
> Sendbackup module send the information to the dumper
> through the sockets.  
> Dumper send the data to the holding disk. Taper reads
> the data from the holding disk to the taper. Taper
> writes the data to the tape. Here socket connection is
> not required between the dumper and taper.
> But if the holding disk is too small, then the dumper

if the holding disk can't be used (several possible reasons)

> directly send the data to the taper, Which uses the 
> socket connection through the TCP. Because the taper
> and dumper is present in the single module. Please
> provide what IP address and port no is used to connect
> between the taper and dumper. 

During a "direct to tape dump", is there a socket between
dumper and taper?  I never thought so.  I nievely assumed
it was a pipe connection.

> I have one more question:
> Suppose if I want to eliminate the sockets for the
> security reason (because of the port no) How can I
> approach . Please provide me the details.

Totally eliminate sockets?  Wouldn't that require a
total rework of the networking mechanisms?

I don't think there is any way, without extensive work,
to even eliminate amanda's use of sockets for server
backing up self.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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