2006/7/5, Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


If it were me, I'd look at using subversion's various internal backup
scripts (e.g. 'svnadmin dump', 'hotbackup') and putting the resulting
images on a "network drive" served out via samba on a *nix box.  Then
backup the svn backup images on the *nix box.  Of course, this assumes
you've got a Linux server (or servers) with sufficient space for this.

That's what they actually do right now. We have a linux box with samba and the put their backup there. The only problem is that I will have to transfer 100 Gb over the network TWICE:

Once from the subversion server to the samba server

And again from the samba server to the tape server.

I wanted to avoid that.

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