Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 02:38:31PM -0700, Mike Allen wrote:
Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 10:33:27AM -0700, Mike Allen wrote:
I'm using Amanda 2.4.5 with FreeBSD 5.4.

1.  Backups on the NATed side of our firewall work fine.

2.  Our tape server is on the NATed side of firewall.

3.  Backups through the firewall fail when I run AMCHECK.
   The error message is port NNNN not secure.

I have attempted to research the environment variables 'tcpportrange', 
'udpportrange' and
'portrange' and configure our firewall appropriately  but with no success.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong.  Any help would be appreciated.

There are some user-supplied responses to that question in the FAQ-o-matic:

See if any of them apply.

Other info might be available at


Thanks for your reply. I had previously checked out Faq-O-Matic and 
found nothing
new or useful to me for this problem. The problem may be in my 
perseptions about this problem.

Regarding the file 'site.config'. I would like to know the difference 
between the
'portrange' parameter and the 'tcpportrange' parameter. Am I supposed to 
use both?
Does 'tcpportrange' override 'portrange' or what?

I am afraid that much 'handholding' may be required to get me over this 


IIRC (I've not used port specification) portrange is the old synonym
for tcpportrange.  Assuming I'm correct, don't use portrange.

But do use BOTH udpportrange and tcpportrange.

Again, suggested by someone who has not used them.

Assuming I have configured the TAPEHOST correctly using both 'tcpportrange' and 'udpportrange',
do I do the identical configuration on the CLIENT with respect to 'tcpportrange' and 'udpportrange'?
I cannot find anything about this in the documentation

I had another thought, I am using a Netgear model FSV338 for my firewall.  (I use the appropriate
settings for port-forwarding.)  Could this be the problem?

How can I check this out?


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