> > I have recently configured Amanda to backup our data.  I am now trying
> to
> > restore some of the data that I have backed up, and I am having problems
> > doing so.  The client and server are the same machine. I have chg-manual
> > configured so that the first and last slot are both 1. I am running
> > amrecover as root. I am guessing that its because the changer think that
> it needs a different tape, but I cannot work out why.
> >
> > # ammt -f /dev/nsa0 status
> > /dev/nsa0 status: ONLINE ds == 0x0001 er == 0x0000
> >
> > # amtape backup reset
> > changer: got exit: 0 str: 1 /dev/nsa0
> > amtape: changer is reset, slot 1 is loaded.
> >
> > ## this is from /tmp/Amanda/amidxtaped....
> > Looking for tape backup-1...
> > changer: got exit: 0 str: 0 1 1
> > changer_query: changer return was 1 1
> > changer_query: searchable = 0
> > changer_find: looking for backup-1 changer is searchable = 0
> > changer: got exit: 2 str: /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual: cannot
> > create /dev/tty: Device not configured
> I'm not very familiar with the chg-manual script, but as a wild guess
> you might have the wrong console device specified for your OS.

I don't think so, because the commands that are failing from within
chg-manual work if I type them in eg:

SRV# echo "insert tape into slot $1 and press return" >/dev/tty
insert tape into slot  and press return
SRV# read ANSWER </dev/tty

> > amidxtaped: could not load slot /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual::
> > cannot create /dev/tty: Device not configured
> > amidxtaped: time 0.186: could not load slot
> > /usr/local/amanda/libexec/chg-manual:: cannot create /dev/tty: Device
> not
> > configu
> > red
> > amidxtaped: time 0.186: pid 5948 finish time Mon Jul 10 23:01:39 2006
> >
> >
> > ## This is from the changer.debug
> > MT -> /usr/local/amanda/sbin/ammt -f
> > DD -> /usr/local/amanda/sbin/amdd
> > Args -> -slot next
> >      -> rewind /dev/nsa0
> > /dev/nsa0 rewind failed: Permission denied
> Looks like this is your main problem, you don't have permissions to
> the tape drive.  Odd, since you say you are running amrecover as
> root.  Is the tape actually loaded in the drive?  Can you (from the
> command line) run 'mt -f /dev/nsa0 rewind' successfully?

I agree, however from the command line I have full access:

SRV# mt -f /dev/nsa0 rewind

SRV# dd if=/dev/nsa0 bs=32k
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
32768 bytes transferred in 3.319408 secs (9872 bytes/sec)

SRV# mt -f /dev/nsa0 status
Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x42                 variable       0        0x1
---------available modes---------
0:        0x42                 variable       0        0x1
1:        0x42                 variable       0        0x1
2:        0x42                 variable       0        0x1
3:        0x42                 variable       0        0x1
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0


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