My best greetings to all of you, the amanda-users and -hackers,

I contact you today as I feel the need to do so for quite a while now.


As some of you might have noticed, my activities related to the
Amanda-project are nearly non-existant for quite a while now.

This has various reasons, and I won't bother you with details.

I just want to "officially announce" that I am going into PASSIVE MODE now.

I considered quitting my Amanda-Core-Team-Membership for a while, but
when I look at the current core-team-member-list, I don't see any need
to quit.


Doing and living OpenSource is quite a lesson sometimes, individuals
invest time and effort "to bring it on", but the return sometimes isn't
very satisfying for the very individual.

I have to revisit my priorities, as one of the "friends" (I use "" here,
as I am shy to use that term in that context, although for me they are
true friends) I "won" by doing Amanda-related work, told me:

"That does seem to be the nature of life.
Revisiting priorities on a frequent basis."

And I do (thanks, X, you know ...)


I am still believing in Amanda, as I use and promote it at various
customers sites, but I am somehow tired of and frustrated by the way
this project is developing over the last few years.

I don't QUIT, as I still want to bring this piece of software forward,
but things have changed in several ways and I have to accept the changes
 and adapt to the changes this project goes through.

And I do.


I am still open to any input/addition/correction/note related to the
Amanda-docs, as I have put many many hours into the "renovation" of it.

But I am also accepting the fact, that all this is not MINE and that I
have to let it go as well.

All the best to all of you,


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