On Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 05:34:50PM -0500, James Wilson wrote:
> Here is an amstatus before and after the backup. Before it estimated 
> 1231m but after it only backed up 171m. Howcome amanda isn't backing up 
> everything?

amstatus is not the tool to use.

After a dump you should receive a report via email.
If you don't are not getting them,
they can be regenerated with amreport.

It looks to me like these are status reports from two different
runs of amdump.  Note, if you run it without an amdump actively
running, amstatus reports on the previous run.  You say the
first was "before" the backup.  That would suggest it is the
status of the previous backup.  It does not report the status
of the file system in preparation for a future run of amdump.

> amanda.transolutions.net:// 0     1231m partial 
> estimate done
> SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
>                           size       size
> partition       :   1
> estimated       :   1                 1231m
> flush           :   0         0m
> failed          :   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> wait for dumping:   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> dumping to tape :   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> dumping         :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> dumped          :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)

Nothing was dumped on this run.

> wait for writing:   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> wait to flush   :   0         0m         0m (100.00%) (  0.00%)
> writing to tape :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> failed to tape  :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> taped           :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> 32 dumpers idle : not-idle
> taper idle
> network free kps:   1001400
> holding space   :     10000m (100.00%)
> 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
> sh-3.1$ amstatus tape
> Using /etc/amanda/tape/amdump.1 from Thu Jul 13 16:29:51 CDT 2006
> amanda.transolutions.net:// 0        5m 
> finished (17:08:58)
> SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
>                           size       size
> partition       :   1
> estimated       :   1                  171m
> flush           :   0         0m
> failed          :   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> wait for dumping:   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> dumping to tape :   0                    0m           (  0.00%)
> dumping         :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> dumped          :   1         5m       171m (  3.40%) (  3.40%)

It was not 171 mb that was dumped, the estimate was 171.
What was dumped was 5 mb.

> wait for writing:   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> wait to flush   :   0         0m         0m (100.00%) (  0.00%)
> writing to tape :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> failed to tape  :   0         0m         0m (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
> taped           :   1         5m       171m (  3.40%) (  3.40%)
> 32 dumpers idle : no-dumpers
> taper idle
> network free kps:   1001400
> holding space   :     10000m (100.00%)
> chunker0 busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)
> dumper0 busy   :  0:08:59  ( 23.00%)
>   taper busy   :  0:00:06  (  0.27%)
> 0 dumpers busy :  0:35:36  ( 91.02%)            not-idle:  0:35:30  ( 
> 99.70%)
>                                               no-dumpers:  0:00:06  (  
> 0.30%)
> 1 dumper busy  :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

Much more detail would be available from amreport.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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