Thanks for your replies.

I could have phrased my question slightly better.

I want to know what the exclude list should look like to make sure I exclude
all files with these extensions in any directory/subdirectory contained
under the disklist entries:

If I understand you correctly, then using the following will only exclude
files with those extensions located within top level directories, and not
necessarily subdirectories, e.g.

Is that correct?

Olivier Nicole wrote:
>> No there really is a difference between excluding /foo, ./foo, and foo.
>> As you are backing up ".", /foo will not match anything.
> Of course
>> ./foo will match any foo in the top level directory "."
>> foo will match any foo in any directory under .
> Not so sure:
> banyan<on>:  /usr/local/bin/tar --version
> tar (GNU tar) 1.13.25
> Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
> You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
> see the file named COPYING for details.
> Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.
> banyan<on>: /usr/local/bin/tar cfv /dev/null . | grep jpg
> ./Images/Picture-2 003.jpg
> ./Images/Picture-2 005.jpg
> ./maman.jpg
> banyan<on>: cat ../excl
> ./*.jpg
> banyan<on>: /usr/local/bin/tar cfv /dev/null --exclude-from=../excl . |
> grep jpg 
> banyan<on>: cat ../excl2
> *.jpg
> banyan<on>: /usr/local/bin/tar cfv /dev/null --exclude-from=../excl2 . |
> grep jpg
> Excl contains ./*.jpg and excl2 contains *.jpg but they both exclude
> any .jpg file in any level of the hierarchy.
> OK, funny enough, tar 1.13.19 on another machine gives different
> results, but still, tar 1.13.25 is recommeneded version isn't it?
> Olivier

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