This is an optional file you can enable in the chg-scsi changer. I have a
similar changer (HPDAT24x6). The file records SCSI command interaction. Here
is my file:

number_configs  1
eject           0       # Tapedrives need an eject command
sleep           30      # Seconds to wait until the tape gets ready
cleanmax        50      # How many times could a cleaning tape get used

changerident    C1553A
changerdev      /dev/ch0
debug           9:0
# Next comes the data for drive 0
config          0
drivenum        0
dev             /dev/nrst0      # the device that is used for the tapedrive
scsitapedev     /dev/rst0
startuse        0       # The slots associated with the drive 0
enduse          4       #
statfile        /usr/pkg/etc/amanda/st0-slot  # The file where the actual
slot i
s stored
cleancart       5       # the slot where the cleaningcartridge for drive 0
is lo
cleanfile       /usr/pkg/etc/amanda/st0-clean # The file where the cleanings
usagecount      /usr/pkg/etc/amanda/totaltime
tapestatus      /usr/pkg/etc/amanda/st0-status

# This is the end

Here is a sample of an output for our tape "ncti08" on Jul 23, 2005

==== 20050723 ==== ncti08 ====
        Write Error Counters Page
Total Errors Corrected         = 1
Total Times E. Processed       = 103
Total Bytes Processed          = 4294967249
Total Unrecoverable Errors     = 0

        Read Error Counters Page
Total Errors Corrected         = 0
Total Times E. Processed       = 0
Total Bytes Processed          = 6
Total Unrecoverable Errors     = 0


Scott Burns
Plantwatch Inc. / NETCON Technologies Inc.
Voice: +1.519.652.0401 x229
Fax: +1.519.652.9275
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-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Gene Heskett
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: tapestatus file growing huge

On Friday 21 July 2006 10:34, Jon LaBadie wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 10:46:51AM +0100, Rodrigo Ventura wrote:
>> Today the server disk went out of space because the tapestatus file
>> grew over several GiGs. It seems to be related with upgrading amanda
>> to 2.5.0p2. The contents are lines like "tape status = ...". Any
>> clues?
>I'm unfamiliar with a "tapestatus file".
>Which file is that?

I'm just as puzzled, I now have the latest 2.5.1p1-20060719 installed 
and I have no such file either.

Would the OP please supply the full path to this file?

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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