> /--  server2.localdomain /usr lev 0 STRANGE
> sendbackup: start [server2.localdomain:/usr level 0]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/sbin/dump
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/sbin/restore -f... -
> sendbackup: info end
> ? device-mapper: version ioctl failed: Permission denied
> |   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sun Aug 20 06:12:57 2006
> |   DUMP: Dumping /dev/mapper/vg0-usr (/usr) to standard output
> |   DUMP: Label: none

It looks like a permission problem.

You're doing backup on the device (/dev) level. Did you make sure that Amanda has the right to read the requested /dev entry?


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