>On 2006-08-21 11:23, David Sánchez Martín wrote:
>>> On 2006-08-21 09:48, David Sánchez Martín wrote:
>>>> $ /usr/local/sbin/amcheck  DailySet1 Amanda Tape Server Host Check
>>>> -----------------------------
>>>> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
>>>> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
>>>> WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root
>>> I doubt it works when not setuid-root Strange this is a just a 
>>> warning instead of an error...
>>> Did you do "make install" as root?
>>> (If that makes sense in a cygwin environment :-) )
>> I created an windows user called root for this.
>> The programs on cygwin shell seem correctly setuid to root (the user 
>> i've created).
>> Maybe is a permissions problem but i tried to change owner to SYSTEM 
>> (Windows best equivalent to God... err ... root, i mean :-)
>>I'm not a cygwin user, but "root" is not just an ordinary user in Unix.
>>It is a user with special privileges.  You need to have those privileges
to be able to do certain things that Amanda relies on:  like opening ports >
>1024, etc.  It MUST be useruid number 0 in normal Unix environments too
(and I'm sure lots of program break when that is not the case).
>>Is there no equivalent thing user in cygwin?

Nope, AFAIK.

The Windows equivalent is normally "Administrator" or in some special cases
SYSTEM (this has ALL the powers posible).

But there's no difference running as Administrator (as i do normally) or

Administrator has usually the necesary permissions to do anything (SYSTEM is
used in some especific situations) 

>> With no visible difference (I tried SYSTEM, Administrator and root, 
>> all of which are in Administrators group)
>> IMHO the problem seems to be on the taper/driver FATAL reading result 
>> from
>> taper: Software caused connection abort
> Taper quit, because it is not setuid root.  That's why.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/libexec
$ ls -al taper
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root None 577611 Aug 18 10:19 taper

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/local/libexec

Tried with SYSTEM and Administrator as owner but no change.

If there's no reason appart from taper thinking it has no enough privileges:

Is there some way to fool/convince taper is running suid-root ? 

If there's a subtle need that taper needs to fulfill to run properly:

2.- Can I have a more verbose taper information, so i can get a workaround

Thanks again :-)

N:Sánchez Martín;David
ORG:E2000 Financial Investments, S.A.;Centro de Nuevas Tecnologías
TITLE:Administrador de Sistemas
ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Agust=EDn Bravo 17 2=BA B=0D=0A33120 PRAVIA;Asturias;;;Espa=F1a
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Agust=EDn Bravo 17 2=BA B=0D=0A33120 PRAVIA=0D=0AAsturias=0D=0AEspa=F1a

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