Hello all;

after getting last weeks issues fixed, downgrading amanda
(now 2.5.0-20060424) as well as tar (now 1.14-2.2), Thursday and Friday
incremental dumps worked out. However, weekend dump once again didn't
to as it is supposed to. I had an eye on the amanda processes all the
weekend and it _seemed_ fine, but in the end it ain't. Some excerpts
and log dumps:

- according to amstatus, nothing has been written to tape:

backer:/tmp# /opt/sbin/amstatus --config Full
Using /var/log/amanda/Full/amdump.1 from Sa Aug 19 03:00:02 CEST 2006

backer:backervar             getting estimate
backer:jka                   getting estimate
backer:planc1    0304732110k partial estimate done
backer:planc3    0118291530k estimate done
backer:refast                getting estimate

SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
                           size       size
partition       :   7
estimated       :   2            423023640k
flush           :   0         0k
failed          :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped          :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait for writing:   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait to flush   :   0         0k         0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
  tape 1        :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) Back00
5 dumpers idle  : not-idle
taper idle
network free kps:       600
holding space   :         0k (  0.00%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:00  (  0.00%)

- Likewise, amverify (could this input/output error be caused by a
defective drive / tape or is this just the result of the tape being

Tapes:  Back00
Errors found: 
Back00 ():
amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: missing file header block
amrestore: error reading file header: Input/output error
** No header
0+0 in
0+0 out

- amandad debug log: Is the timeout caused by tar taking too long to
actually calculate the size of the DLE in question?

amandad: time 17777.161: sending PREP pkt:  
OPTIONS features=fffffeff9ffeffff07;
planc3 0 SIZE 118291530
planc3 1 SIZE 2544890
planc1 0 SIZE 304732110
amandad: time 21600.749: /opt//libexec/sendsize timed out waiting for
REP data amandad: time 21600.761: sending NAK pkt:
ERROR timeout on reply pipe
amandad: time 21600.761: pid 23250 finish time Sat Aug 19 09:00:03 2006

- sendsize, again, is filled with error messages like those below, even
though the files definitely are around and usually an arbitrary
application also is capable of opening / reading them without a problem.

sendsize[23820]: time 9689.225: getting size via gnutar for
planc1 level 0 
sendsize[23268]: time 9689.226: waiting for any estimate child:
1 running 
sendsize[23820]: time 9689.324: spawning /opt//libexec/runtar
in pipeline 
sendsize[23820]: argument list: /bin/tar --create
--file /dev/null --directory /backup/PV/ --one-file-system --l
--sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals . 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.005: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d736/qw78xmm4/file.doc: Warning:
Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.016: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d754/vsbed359/class.all:
Warning: Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

sendsize[23820]: time
16883.016: /bin/tar: ./docs/work/d2845/d754/vsbed359/file.doc: Warning:
Cannot seek to 0: Bad file descriptor 

Again, same questions - hardware error? Tape error? Misconfiguration?
Right now, I tried to manually dump some data to the drive, ending like

backup:/tmp# tar czvf /dev/nst0 /backup/PV/
tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot open: Input/output error

Ideas, enlightenments, hints, ... really much appreciated... :/

Thanks and bye,

Kristian Rink   -- Programmierung/Systembetreuung
planConnect GmbH * Strehlener Str. 12 - 14 * 01069 Dresden
Tel: 0351 4657770 * Fax: 0351 4657778 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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