Cyrille Bollu wrote:
>> > What they definitely need to know is which tapes are to be pulled off.
>> > All the tapes in the changer will have a bar code label. Can I instruct
>> > Amanda to send an email with which tapes have been used for a determined
>> > backup (the full weekly off-site, in this case) so that the people there
>> > will have an idea of which tapes need to be substituted?
>> How about two Amanda configs "daily" and "archive", with "labelstr"
>> different for each of them (reg.exp. like: "Newbay-Daily[0-9]*" and
>> "[Newbay-Archive[0-9]*").  And then just write that label on the sticker
>> too, readable by a human.
>> Then just the tapes labeled "*Archive*" need to be pulled out...
> That's what I'm trying to say in my bad English ;-)

Thanks everybody for the help (Cyrille your English seems great to me
:-), I think that this is the best solution. Having two different sets,
with different tapes (labeled both human-readably and with amlabel),
with one that always stays inside the robot, and the other to be
exported off-site and rotated.

But I still have one question: if the collection of the tapes is on
Sunday (or any other planned day of the week), how can I make sure that
Amanda will do backups within that day?

Also, seems like for the moment we don't need any off-site and the
amount of data in the filesystem will not grow above 400GB within 3 or 4

The question is: can I configure for the moment Amanda, to have just one
set that always stays in the robot, with 7x400GB cartridges for the
daily + 1 for the full backup + 1? Can I expand in a later moment the
configuration with more tapes and an additional configuration for the
off-site backup? This is because our vendor sells cartridges in pack of
5 and for the moment would be enough just 10 cartridges, then later we
can expand the storage space with more cartridges if needed, but this
will not happen within the next 3-4 months like I said.


Fabio Corazza - Engineering
NewBay Software, Ltd.
Wilson House, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 634 5490 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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