Hi List

Is it possible to set the AMANDA_DBGDIR directory (usually /tmp/amanda)
to some thing else example /usr/tmp/amanda .

I am using Amanda 2.4.2 that came with SuSE Linux ES 9 server.
Which was installed using Yast.



 Tue, 2006-09-05 at 13:49 +0100, Chuck Amadi Systems Administrator
> Hi List
> Got a good one here!
> Mi boss decode to tighten up are new web server which is due to be
> commissioned soon thus when I re partitioned the hard disk I created new
> disks and thus create a /tmp dir mounted on /dev/hda9  
> Thus here is my /etc/ftsab thus I stopped the possibilities of runing
> any executables from the /tmp directory but thus amanda cant create
> selfchecks in /tmp/amanda 
> /dev/hda9/tmp   reiserfs  noexec,auto,nouser,rw,async,nosuid       1 2
> Thus I am using amanda default program using Yast2 So is there a
> parameter I can change on the client to use and create another directory
> for example /usr/tmp/amanda which /usr directory has fstab entry as
> below
> /dev/hda8  /usr  reiserfs   acl,user_xattr  1 2
> Cheers
Unix/ Linux Systems Administrator
Chuck Amadi
The Surgical Material Testing Laboratory (SMTL), 
Princess of Wales Hospital 
Coity Road 
United Kingdom, CF31 1RQ.
Email chuck.smtl.co.uk
Tel: +44 1656 752820 
Fax: +44 1656 752830

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