>>>>> On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 22:23:45 -0400, Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

    >> Wouldn't I need to at least tell it where the backup server is?

    Jon> The server initiates the backup session, so the client does
    Jon> not need server knowledge for this.

Yes, but often an authentication scheme is used where you need the server
to be specified on the client side, for example.

    Jon> For recovery a default server is compiled in, but that can be
    Jon> overridden with command line arguments.

    Jon> The system I'm typing this on was my backup server, and of course
    Jon> a client of itself.  I have now moved the amanda service to a
    Jon> different computer.  When I did, I made no changes to the current
    Jon> system.  It is just responds as a client when the new server
    Jon> contacts it.

I guess then you need to modify some entry in the DNS if you have a
dedicated entry (IP) for the AMANDA service (because I'm not sure
amandahost can deal with CNAME for security reasons) or you use an
authentication based for example on a pure public-private key approach.
  Ronan KERYELL               |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
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