Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 10:48:08PM -0700, Stephen Carville wrote:

I've been using Amanda for about five years now. The only problems I've ever had are because a single dumps has to fit on a single tape. I usually solved this by using tar, client side compression, and breaking up the partitions into smaller chunks. However, I seem to have reached a limit.

One of my Oracle RMAN backups now stands at 109G. Even with compression this requires 44G to 45G of space and will not fit on an AIT-2 tape. The backups are dumped into a single directory and I don't know of any way to split a directory with no subdirectories into two dumps. If there is, I'd appreciate knowing how. Any other sugesstions are welcome.

what are we talking about in terms of files in a single directory
that total nearly 110GB?  Is it one or two huge files?  A hundred,
maybe a thousand, or more?  What are the naming schemes?  Always
the same or always predictable?  Are there name extensions for
file types?  If the numbers are reasonable you could create a
set of DLEs using include statements and a catch-all using
exclude statements.

For example, (assumptions include reasonable number of files,
say < 1000 but I'm not certain what is reasonable, most with names
beginning with lowercase letters but a few with digits or uppercase
and an ascii charset :)

  host Ora-a2g /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        include file ./[a-g]*
  host Ora-h2s /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        include file ./[h-s]*
  host Ora-t2z /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        include file ./[t-z]*
  host Ora-rest /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        exclude file ./[a-z]*

All of the filenames end with a digit so something like this might work:

host Ora1 /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        include file ./*[0,2,4,6,8]

host Ora2 /path/to/RMAN/backup/dir {
        include file ./*[1,3,5,7,9]

Do the hostnames have to be different or was that just for illutration?

Stephen Carville -- polluting the ranks of skeptics since 1995.
As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
             -- H. L. Mencken

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