On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Frank Smith wrote:

> > On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, Frank Smith wrote:
> >
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>> Replying to my own post (sorry, but I'm getting desperate here), I took
> >>> the advice of the FAQ-O-Matic and installed lsof and ran this command:
> >>>
> >>> su-2.05b# lsof -uamanda
> >>>
> >>> There was no output.  Should there have been?  Does this mean that amandad
> >>> is not running?
> >> No, amandad should not be running except during a backup.  When the server
> >> connects to the amanda port on the client inetd starts amandad.
> >>
> >>> This is what I have in my /etc/inetd.conf:
> >>>
> >>> amanda   dgram  udp  wait  amanda /usr/local/libexec/amandad  amandad
> >>>
> >>> inetd.conf has beek killed and restarted, the client even
> >>> rebooted...anything?
> >> Have you tried running /usr/local/libexec/amandad from the command line
> >> on the client (it should just sit there and eventually time out and
> >> return your prompt, or immediately exit if you hit a key)?  Perhaps
> >> you're missing a library (or need to run ldconfig or whatever is
> >> needed to update the dynamic library cache on your platform).
> >> Does the system log inetd even running amandad?
> >> Does amandad run and create anything in /tmp/amanda?
> >
> > Thanks for your reply.  I did run it from the command line and it
> > eventually times out, although it does not exit immediately if I type
> > something.
> 2.4.5 will exit if you hit enter, 2.5 doesn't.

The client is 2.5.0p2, the server is 2.4.5.  Could that be an issue?  If
so, which one do you recommend?

>  debug files are created in /tmp/amanda, but not with any
> > useful info...just how it was compiled.  There is absolutely nothing in
> > /var/log/messages about amanda(d).
> Inetd doesn't normally log unless you start it with a debug option.
> In your case, since  a debug file is created then inetd is working
> so you may not need to check further on that.
> Post the debug file on the client and maybe we can see at what stage
> of the connection it stops.  Are you running a firewall on or between
> the client?

No firewall that I've configured...I did just hook up via comcast business
though...nmap from the client back to the server looks ok...I can ssh
back, as well.

the debug files had what looked like nothing but a config.log, until I
just looked now and noticed this huge (48MB) debug file with 670 thousand
lines of this:

amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Socket operation on non-socket
amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Socket operation on non-socket
amandad: dgram_recv: recvfrom() failed: Socket operation on non-socket

James Smallacombe                     PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                           

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