On Wednesday 13 September 2006 14:47, Zembower, Kevin wrote:
>Frank and Alex, thanks for replying. Alex, you're right, I believe,
>GNUtar behaves differently than tar with respect to symbolic links, and
>I'm using GNUtar:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib$ tar --version
>tar (GNU tar) 1.14
1.14 is busted. Use 1.13-19, 1.13-25, or 1.15-1.

>Frank, all my entries look like this one for sda2 (root):
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib$ amadmin DBackup disklist centernet
>line 48:
>    host centernet:
>        interface default
>    disk sda2:
>        program "GNUTAR"
>        priority 1
>        dumpcycle 28
>        maxdumps 1
>        maxpromoteday 10000
>        strategy STANDARD
>        compress CLIENT FAST
>        comprate 0.50 0.50
>        auth BSD
>        kencrypt NO
>        holdingdisk YES
>        record YES
>        index YES
>        skip-incr NO
>        skip-full NO
>>From this, it seems there's no exclude lists in the disklist. It also
>seems that there isn't one on the host, which is both client and server
>(tapehost, amandahost):
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib$ locate exclude
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/lib$
>None were NSF filesystems or links to other filesystems.
>Your suggestion that the last tapes might be corrupt is an excellent
>one, and one that I'll begin exploring immediately. Your suggestion to
>check the restore procedures more than once every six years is also
>good, and one that I'll also put into practice just as soon as this fire
>is out.
>You also caused me to question if I performed the restore correctly. I
>manually went through the first record on each tape file and copied the
>filesystem and level. It's possible that I omitted a level 0 and only
>restored a level 1. Just about all the files missing are very static
>ones that change infrequently. I'll have to check into this, too.
>Thanks, again.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 1:20 PM
>To: Zembower, Kevin
>Cc: amanda-users@amanda.org
>Subject: Re: Why didn't my backup work (the way I thought it should)?
>Did you have an exclude list?
>Were any of those directories symlinks to other filesystems or NFS
>mounts? A symlink would have still been backed up, just not what it
>was pointing to, and a mount point would just show up as an empty
>Did the system have problems before the last backup?  Perhaps these
>files were corrupted/gone  before/during the last backup.  Since
>Amanda restores the state at a point in time, you may have most of
>the data on a previous level that the latest level removed (related
>to recommendations often given here to restore to a tmp directory
>and move files into place since otherwise existing new data in the
>target directory would be deleted by the restore).  You might want
>to try recovering from tapes from a day or two before and see if
>the data is there, the dpkg data at least probably hadn't changed
>much from earlier backups.
>Test restores more than once per 6 years to verify you are backing up
>what you think you are, since data seems to get shifted around and
>the excludes you need today eventually end up excluding things you need.
>Also, backup media (tape and disk) can fail in ways that give no errors
>during backups but make a restore impossible, and the sooner you are
>aware of it the better.
>> Thanks for your advice and suggestions.
>> -Kevin
>> Kevin Zembower
>> Internet Services Group manager
>> Center for Communication Programs
>> Bloomberg School of Public Health
>> Johns Hopkins University
>> 111 Market Place, Suite 310
>> Baltimore, Maryland  21202
>> 410-659-6139

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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