On Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 01:31:04PM +1000, Craig Dewick wrote:
> After hunting around for a while in Google I found a reference to an old 
> post to this list (!) dating back to about 2003:
> http://marc.10east.com/?l=amanda-users&m=106975454004344&w=2
> which pointed me to a script in the contrib sub-directory of the mtx 
> source tree. That actually worked and correctly detected the changer 
> device along with creating the device handle for it so now it's 
> configured as '/dev/scsi/changer/c2t0d0'.
> I've set up the configuration file for chg-zd-mtx however when I run any 
> of the testing commands outlined in the instructions in the script, 
> they're all returning a 'no slots available error.
> In amanda.conf, I've configured the path to the changer.conf file in the 
> changerfile setting. That changer.conf file is set up like this at the 
> moment:
> # Sun L9 tape changer configuration for Amanda with MTX
> firstslot=1
> lastslot=8
> cleanslot=-9
> driveslot=0
> autoclean=0
> I've put tapes in slots 1 to 8, and at present nothing in slot 9 (it'll 
> have a cleaning tape soon) so that's why I set cleanslot to be negative 
> (per the script instructions), and set autoclean to zero.
> Should I need to change the L9's own configuration with regard to tape 
> selection using the front control panel?
> BTW, I'm using plain mtx version 1.2.14 that I built from the source tree. 
> Do I need to use a special version of mtx with chg-zd-mtx as the selected 
> changer script?

My systems have 1.12.17 and 1.12.18.
These versons are about 4 years old.

Versons can have a difference if the status strings have different
format.  chg-zd-mtx uses that "no slots available" message only
in one place.  It is shortly after it has massaged the status
output of mtx with some sed scripts.  If those sed scripts fail
to extract the needed information because of format changes then
is it possible to appear that there are not tapes loaded.  I presume
mtx status shows the tapes.  It may just be a slight adjustment of
the regular expressions in the sed scripts to match your mtx.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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