
see if the following wiki page helps:


Steve Newcomb wrote:
We've been using Amanda continuously since 1999.  Amanda has minimized
our backup effort and headaches and it has saved us from serious data
losses on several occasions.  Brava!

I was delighted to see that 2.5.1 now supports ssh, and if I could
just get it to work, it would be a godsend to us.  I have done
everything that docs/howto-auth.txt specifies for the use of SSH.
Unfortunately, the best result I can get from amcheck is:

  Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
  WARNING: manche.coolheads.com: selfcheck request failed: EOF on read from 
  Client check: 1 host checked in 0.299 seconds, 1 problem found

  (brought to you by Amanda 2.5.1)

So I think I'm connecting to the client OK, because it responds
promptly. And, if I delete the
      auth "ssh"

line from my dumptype, the response, after a 30-second delay, is:

  Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
  WARNING: manche.coolheads.com: selfcheck request failed: timeout waiting for 
  Client check: 1 host checked in 30.010 seconds, 1 problem found

  (brought to you by Amanda 2.5.1)

So I think the ssh is probably working OK.  When using amdump, the
dumps and reports from clients to servers are supposed to go through
the same ssh connection that the server establishes to the client,
right?  If not, how is it supposed to work?  The reason I need to use
ssh is that it's the ONLY way I can get to one of the machines.  (The
way I have been backing it up is with a lot of attention and effort,
using tar.  Yuck.)

Client and server are both running Linux 2.6.16-2-686.

I configured/compiled Amanda on both the server and the client with the 
following options:

./configure --prefix=/usr/amanda --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/amanda --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk --with-ssh-security
Anybody have a clue?  Anything I should try?

-- Steve

Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
Coolheads Consulting

Co-editor, Topic Maps International Standard (ISO/IEC 13250)
Co-editor, draft Topic Maps -- Reference Model (ISO/IEC 13250-5)


direct: +1 540 951 9773
main:   +1 540 951 9774
fax:    +1 540 951 9775

208 Highview Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 USA

(Confidential to all US government personnel to whom this private
letter is not addressed and who are reading it in the absence of a
specific search warrant: You are violating the law and you are
co-conspiring to subvert the Constitution that you are sworn to
defend.  You can either refuse to commit this crime, or you can expect
to suffer criminal sanctions in the future, when the current
administration of the United States of America has been replaced by
one that respects the rule of law.  I do not envy you for having to
make this difficult choice, but I urge you to make it wisely.)

Thank you!
Kevin Till

Amanda documentation: http://wiki.zmanda.com
Amanda forums:        http://forums.zmanda.com

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