> I have 24 tapes and a 8 tape changer. For some reason, it is going 
> 13->16->15->14->17. How can I fix this? can i just force it to take 14 
> after 13 by only having 14 in there when it's expecting 16? My tapecycle 
> is 10.

On the sticker used on the tape, do a double numbering, one by Amanda
label and one by human sequence (13 a) (16 b) (15 c) (14 d) (17 e) etc.

Though after many years of using Amanda I never had the tapes going
out of sequence, if one tape wears out, I replace it with a new tape,
using the same label (amlabel -f), but I do the replacement only the
very day I should have been reusing the bad tape.

When a dump resolve that tape 7 is faulty, I continue with tape 8 and
etc, only when Amanda ask to use tape 7 again, I label a new tape 7
and use that new 7. I do that with a PostIt on the bad tape to remind
me that I must replace that tape the next time I try to use it.


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