On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 11:17:09AM -0800, Steven Kurylo wrote:
> James Wilson wrote:
> > Well I have a folder lets say its called "voice" and in voice I have a
> > bunch of folders in there labeled by date. Starting with todays date
> > all the way back to 10-01-2005.
> > I want to backup everything till may of 2006 for the. Then I'm going
> > to delete all those files because I have them on tape. Then every
> > month I just want to back up the next month so in this case the next
> > month would be June then July etc. 
> So you don't want a full backup, just a specific folder whose name
> changes each month.
> I would create a symlink /path/to/link, pointing to /path/to/2006-04. 
> I'm sure there might be a few other ways.

Here is another ;)

Have amanda totally exclude your voice directory tree.

Outside of amanda create a monthly cronjob to make an archive
(gnutar or zip or ???) of the voice directory you want to
backup.  The archive should be created somewhere amanda will
backup.  Perhaps an empty directory just for this purpose so
it will be easy to find on recovery.

Once the archive is made, and you are sure amanda has backed
it up, delete the archive and the voice directory it contained.
This could also be a cronjob that runs a day or several after
the archive was made.  It could even run daily, check the if
an archive is in the directory, if so, check the amanda index
files to see if it has been backed up, and only do the deletions
if all conditions are met.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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