Hey All,

 I keep getting this error for one of my hosts.

selfcheck request failed: timeout waiting for ACK
Client check: 4 hosts checked in 30.153 seconds, 1 problem found

I have added this in my amandaclient file in the xinetd.d directory.
service amanda
      disable         = no
      socket_type     = dgram
      protocol        = udp
      wait            = yes
      user            = amandabackup
      group           = disk
      groups          = yes
      server          = /usr/lib/amanda/amandad

And I have this added to the .amandahosts file.
localhost   amandabackup
localhost.localdomain   amandabackup
amanda.transolutions.net amandabackup
amanda.transolutions.net root

Am I missing something? I have restarted the xinetd.d service. It is hard to restart the service because this is a heavily used production server. The server is running RHE4.

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