
I also posted this on the forum, but I am not sure whether that was the right place to go.

I don't understand the message mailed to me regarding the amount of disk space taken up by the test backups to files. Actually we plan to run amanda with backup to files anyway, so this is an important thing for me to understand (and avoid running out of disk space).

I set up a test environment analogous to the one in the Test_environment_with_virtual_tapes on the wiki, i.e., with the amanda.conf set up using chg-disk and
dumpcycle 7
runspercycle 5
tapecycle 5

I backup a small directory (/home/rene at about 2.1MB) and when I run amdump I get messages with (excerpts):

                         Total       Full      Incr.
   first run
Output Size (meg)           1.9        1.9        0.0
Original Size (meg)         1.9        1.9        0.0
Output Size (meg)           1.9        0.0        1.9
Original Size (meg)         1.9        0.0        1.9
Output Size (meg)           1.9        0.0        1.9
Original Size (meg)         1.9        0.0        1.9
planner: Last full dump of werner.richmond.edu:/home/rene on tape TEST-01 overwritten on this run.

The earlier ones only report in how many runs the full dump will be overwritten.

So am I interpreting this wrong in that the incremental backup seems to doing a dump of the complete /home/rene. I never touched any of the files between the dumps, so I had expected the incremental backup not do do anything.

What worries me even more, since we are planning to backup to an external hard disk, is that if I look at the contents of each of the slots (1-5) they all have in them a file: -rw------- 1 amanda disk 1966080 Nov 8 11:27 00001.werner.richmond.edu._home_rene.1
i.e., the full size of my (compressed) /home/rene

So am I not saving any space using an incremental backup?
Or what am I missing here?
Can anybody please set me straight on this?


PS By the way I am running version 2.5.1p1
PPS I just noticed in the amanda.conf man pages that the tapecycle should be larger than the dumpcycle (which is not the way it is in the example conf on the wiki page I referred to) but setting the runs and dumpcycle to 3 does not seem to make a difference.

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