Ian R. Justman wrote:


Tried using includes again, and still I'm having the same problem. It's backing up nothing. In fact, one item was still using the exclude method and it still backed up everything.

And for what it's worth, the version of GNU tar that's running on that machine shows the following when I do a gtar --version:

tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1

Anything I need to be aware of with this version of GNU tar?


Perhaps I should clarify this message:

I tried to use wildcards both in the "exclude" and "include" contexts in disklist stanzas, both with and without trailing slashes. I seem to be running into the same result each time. If I use the "include" statement, nothing gets backed up with each stanza I use those wildcards in. If I use excludes, everything gets backed up as many times as there are stanzas.

It doesn't seem to matter whether I have the trailing slash or not. What I'm curious about now is whether it's a GNU tar issue, in which case I should change which version of GNU tar I'm running, or if it's something I'm doing wrong. It all seems to have something to do with what's in files referenced by the --files-from/--exclude-from gtar flags.

The players in this case are as follows:

Machine in question being backed up:

Sun Ultra 5 running Solaris 2.6 (SunOS 5.6)
AMANDA 2.5.0p2 which I built myself
GNU tar 1.15.1 from Sunfreeware.com

Machine which is holding the backups:

Dual Pentium II system running FreeBSD 4.8
AMANDA 2.5.0p2 using the amanda-server-2.5.0p2 port

The disklist on the FreeBSD machine has the following in the disklist pertinent to the affected host:

trillian /var/spool/PO/mailbox/0-99 /var/spool/PO/mailbox {
  include "./[0-9]/" "./[1-9][0-9]"
} 1


trillian /var/spool/PO/mailbox/100-199 /var/spool/PO/mailbox {
  include "./1[0-9][0-9]"
} 1


trillian /var/spool/PO/mailbox/200-299 /var/spool/PO/mailbox {
  include "/.2[0-9][0-9]"
} 1


trillian /var/spool/PO/mailbox/300-399 /var/spool/PO/mailbox {
   include "./3[0-9][0-9]"
} 1


trillian /var/spool/PO/mailbox/400-499 /var/spool/PO/mailbox {
  include "./4[0-9][0-9]"
} 1


trillian /var/spool/PO {
  exclude "./mailbox"
} 1
trillian /etc user-tar

I removed the trailing slashes in the wildcarded lines per Jean-Louis' suggestion and it's still not working. The only stanzas for this machine which actually work are the last two. The first one is because it does not specify any wildcards in the "exclude" statement. The second one is because I outright back up that entire directory hierarchy.

At this point, am I missing anything that might be of any help?

Is there anything I'm doing wrong at all or should I be using a different version of gtar since it seems to be the root of the problem, and if so, which version?

Thanks for any help on this matter.


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