On Fri, 8 Dec 2006 at 10:01am, Ryan Castleberry wrote

//winpc/share    backup%password

winpc.mydomain.com    //winpc/share    samba

Shouldn't that be someunixboxwithsamba.mydomain.org?

Um, no....
Yes, I am running amanda and samba on a debian box, but when I am trying to backup a Windows box with the above config I get the reported error...

You're missing the point. When you back up a Windows box with amanda, the actual client you put in the disklist is the *nix box that connects to the Windows box via smbclient. So, your DLE for the Windows client *should* be:

someunixboxwithsamba.mydomain.org    //winpc/share    samba

where someunixboxwithsamba.mydomain.org is the system on which your amandapass file from above resides.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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