On Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 04:41:31PM -0500, Mark Hennessy enlightened us:
> I'm seeing this problem where gtar seems to take about 18 hours in total to
> back up.
> It's pulling the data off of a NetApp filer connected to the AMANDA server
> using Gigabit Ethernet.  The total amount of data is like 120GB and I'm using
> a Quantum SDLT-220 drive.
> I'm not sure what could be causing this slowness in the backup.  It seems to
> take like 6 hours to calculate the file list alone for this partition and the
> other drives/partitions that don't host Maildirs get have L0s done fine in
> like 2-3 hours at most so I would think it's because Maildir simply has so
> many files.
> Any good alternatives to gtar?  Any commandline parameters to try to make the
> list creation be done more quickly or not done at all if possible?
> Thanks for any advice!

You don't say what version of amanda you're using, but the estimate
paramater of your dumptype should help considerably. I use CALCSIZE because
I don't really care exactly how accurate the estimates are. There are a
couple other options you should check out.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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