Hi all,

My first post here. I have perused all resources I know of to answer this question, but results have been very limited. Forgive me if this question has been posed and answer prior, but I cannot find the answer.

My issue is a sendsize timeout error. When it happens, amstatus shows the final filesystem as "getting estimate", and it'll hang there for days. The only error comes out of the amandad.xxx log (in /tmp/amanda), and it is:

amandad: time 21599.605: /usr/local/libexec/sendsize timed out waiting for REP data
amandad: time 21599.605: sending NAK pkt:
ERROR timeout on reply pipe
amandad: time 21605.615: pid 17898 finish time Thu Jan 4 20:40:06 2007

That's it. All other logs basically say OK to everything. Does anyone know anything about this? Is this something that has been seen before?

My environment is:
Two servers, one is the Amanda server, and one is the Amanda client. Workstations are not backed up. Attached to the Amanda server is an Apple X-Serve RAID, RAID 5, and largest partitions are 250GB ea.
The greatest amount of data on a single partition is 100GB
Note that the failure only began when I installed the Apple X-Serve RAID, and began using very large partitions. I am leaning toward an issue with gtar trying to calculate backup size on 100+GB worth of data.

Amanda Server:
SunFire V240
Solari 8 (patched to 02/06)
Amanda 2.5.0 (presently - error exists up to 2.5.1p2)
gtar (dumper in use) is version 1.13.1

Dumptype uses:
compress server fast (client fast for client dumptype)
holdingdisk yes

Presently, I am testing this config because of what I think may be a gtar issue. As yet I have no data:
<same as above except>
compress none
estimate calcsize

Anything anyone can contribute to this issue will be greatly appreciated.


Sean Connors
Systems Administrator

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