On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 07:23:27AM +0100, Dipl.Ing.Trompler Wilhelm wrote:
> Dear reader, 
> I am using VERSION="Amanda-2.4.4p2" on a LINUX 2.6.5 with LTO-3 tapes. In
> general the performance is great, but on every forced, complete backup, the
> procedure takes almost 24 hours.
> I have to backup about 700 GB uncompressed, and supply the system with about
> 580 GB holding storage. The system starts with the requested 5 dumpers, but
> utilizes only 3, from which the third only works once. The others work along
> but never use more than about 25% of the available holding disk space. No
> error messages or other complaints. 
> from my amanda.conf
> .
> .
> .
>  inparallel 5           # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel

There are two aspects to dumper usage, max total simultaneous dumps
in progress (established by your "inparallel 5" setting) and the 
max simultaneous dumps per client, the maxdumps parameter.  That
defaults to one (1) I believe.

If you have only a few total clients, say three, it would be
reasonable that only a maximum of three of the servers dumpers
would ever be in use.

If, from a performance view, your clients can handle more than
one dump program or tar program running at the same time, then
increase maxdumps.  If you raise that setting, I'd try to set
spindle values on my entries in the disklist so that multiple
dumps do not happen from the same hard disk.  I.e. give all
DLEs that live on the same hard disk the same arbitrary
spindle number.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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