On Sat, Apr 07, 2007 at 01:38:12PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> What we are left with, when the linux kernel finally gets this patch for 
> good (its been reverted for now based on my findings, but its a good 
> patch, and really needs to be done at some point even if we do have to 
> play a little 52 pickup by doing an amanda restart from square one, which 
> will fix it when the patch hits production status)
> we will have to treat amanda as if its a restart from square one, slowly 
> feeding it the big dle's, one per run.
> This is a case of being forewarned might be forearmed.  Not much else we 
> can do at this point.

One possibility might be to work with the GNU Tar folks to write a
script/app to convert the data stored in the list files.  Then the
Amanda docs could warn about whatever kernel upgrade will trigger this,
instructing users to run this script or app against their /gnutar-lists
directories simultaneously with the upgrade.

I'm still far from having a setup where I could test this sort of thing,
but if their response to the idea is that it'd be too much trouble, I
may be able to take a first swing at the script, if you (Gene) are
willing to test it out.  I'm assuming the list file format is a fairly
straightforward packed-record format.


        Dustin J. Mitchell
        Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.

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