At 16:40 16.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
Because most user use tar on linux, and it's new that the blocksize is 1024.

This makes sense. What are the disadvantages of a tar backup?

You can change client-src/sendbackup-dump.c:
  AM_SIZE_RE("DUMP: [0-9][0-9]* blocks", 512)
 AM_SIZE_RE("DUMP: [0-9][0-9]* blocks", 1024)

I also fixed the bug in the latest 2.5.1p3 snapshot available from

I'll try it on my test system.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:
Mmh, why I'm the only person who ran into these problems?

What should I do now? amanda-2.5.2b1 is in beta phase and I thinks it's no good idea to use it in a productional environment. Is there a possible workaround?

Thank for helping me


 From the debug file:
sendbackup: time 2612.878: 62: size(|): DUMP: 17753400 blocks (17337.30MB)

amanda parse the number of block but it think they are blocks of 512

This problem is fixed only in amanda-2.5.2b1 (The MB value is used).


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

My OS is openSUSE 10.1.

server:~ # tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1

server:~ # dump
dump 0.4b41 (using libext2fs 1.38 of 30-Jun-2005)

The last dendbackup.*.debug is attached.



At 13:50 13.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

The orig-kb is the size reported by the backup tool (tar, dump, ...)

It's possible that amanda doesn't parse the output correctly.

What's your OS? backup tool?

Could you post a sendbackup.*.debug file?

It's probably already fixed in a newer version.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the result after deleting full-comp und incr-comp.

                                     DUMPER STATS            TAPER STATS
-------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------
server       /home       0 2229585  2833801 127.1  10:58 4307.9
15:19 3083.2
server       /profile    0 4557175  4541611  99.7  21:07 3583.6
24:46 3055.3
server       /daten      0 1221325  1796309 147.1   4:44 6321.5
9:46 3065.4
server       /intorg     0  188995   199786 105.7   1:22 2427.2
1:07 2971.2
server       /literatur  0  662255  1051091 158.7   2:36 6737.3
5:39 3097.9
server       /projekte   0 8876700 11223553 126.4  43:33 4295.4
60:48 3076.9

Once again the data seems to grow while it's written to the tape. But I think I figured out the problem. During the calculation of the estimates everything seems to be ok and all sizes are like the real ones on the disk. The problems start with the dumper. The dumper doesn't compare his result with the real sizes but with the real sizes divided by two because of the default compression set to 0.50. A compression to 50% isn't possible on all the disks and that why the data seems to grow.

My question is now, is this a bug of version 2.4.5? At the moment I don't get packages for openSUSE 10.1 from SuSE or the amanda homepage with the newest version. Perhaps I should try this next?

Thanks again


At 22:20 12.04.2007, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:

I don't understand.

Did you set a 'comprate' in your dumptype? You should remove it.
Amanda will learn the compresion ratio after a few run.

For all 'info' file, you can remove the value in the 'full-comp' and 'incr-comp' line.


Sebastian Henrich wrote:

Here is the log.


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