Check out this thread:

I still have problems with reading tapes properly (something about tape header and thinking it has no space left).

I am still using 2.5.0p2 because of this and a lack of time to troubleshoot 2.5.1px

The patch in the thread did solve the 0mb free issues w/ Solaris 10 ZFS. Size DOES NOT matter, it's a bug in the code for statfs (internal amanda function).


On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Benjamin Lewis wrote:

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 23:05:27 -0400
From: Benjamin Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mike Gallant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: solaris, zfs, holding disk

Mike Gallant wrote:
Hi all,

I am having difficultly with amanda 2.5.1p3 recognizing the solaris 10,
zfs, holding disk.
WARNING: holding disk /amanda: only 0 MB free (2000 MB requested)

For what it's worth, I have an amanda 2.4.5p1 server using (considerably
smaller) ZFS holding disk on Solaris 10u3 (x86 - 32bit).

pool/amanda           31.5K   268G  31.5K  /amanda

Perhaps the 2T size of your filesystem is giving Amanda problems.  Or
maybe 2.5.1 doesn't handle ZFS very well for some reason.

Things I'd consider trying before resorting to reading code:

1. Decrease the size of the /amanda filesystem a bit (maybe setting a
ZFS quota would be sufficient).
 - if that worked, I'd probably just split the space into two holding
   "disks" and call it a day.

2. Try specifying the "use" part of the holdingdisk with a negative
number ("use -20 MBytes" = use all but 20 MB).  By the way, it's late
but it looks to me like you've told Amanda to use only about 2G (2000
MB) of your 2T of diskspace? Was that the idea? If so, forget about this

Security Analyst, Identity and Access Management
IT Security and Privacy
Purdue University

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