I did not change any configuration between the 2 runs. I do not have split_diskbuffer set at all.

Jon LaBadie wrote:
Expanding on JLM's accurate comment.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 11:07:45AM -0400, Steven Settlemyre wrote:
I am looking to restore a disk from one of my machines and am having a little trouble understanding which report to believe. Using amadmin find, I see there was a level 0 on 4/12 and again on 4/19.

When I look at the daily reports I see on 4/12:

pop:/files1.0 in-memory
taper: no split_diskbuffer specified: using fallback split size of 10240kb to buffer

I'm guessing you did specify a split_diskbuffer later on, before 4/19.
Since no split_diskbuffer was specified, tiny pieces of 10MB were used
resulting in 973 pieces.


HOSTNAME DISK L ORIG-kB OUT-kB COMP% MMM:SS KB/s MMM:SS KB/s -------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ------------- pop /files1 0 17024192 9961504 58.5 178:38 926.5 178:39 929.4

Then on 4/19 i see:

 planner: Incremental of pop:/files1 bumped to level 3.

Planning goes through many steps, one is to decide whether to bump
to a higher level if an incremental is done.  It was planning to
do so.  But at a later step, other considerations superceded this


HOSTNAME DISK L ORIG-kB OUT-kB COMP% MMM:SS KB/s MMM:SS KB/s -------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------
pop /files1     0   17089120    9965664   58.3  148:35 1117.9  30:39 5418.9

So is 4/19 a level 3 or level 0?

As clearly shown, a level 0 was done.  Would you really expect your level 3
incremental, not even a level 1 or 2, to be the same size as you 4/12 level 0?

Also, in the amadmin find, I see that 4/12 has 973 parts, whereas 4/19 only has 2 parts.

Why the big difference? What could cause such things? and what steps should i take to restore this disk?

Two pieces or 1000 would be no different.

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