Anyone know if 2.5.x supports amgtar - page 114 from the amanda guide?  In that 
insted of having to recompile just to get the ablity to start and stop sevices 
is it now included as default with 2.5.x?
Cell: (734) 323-8776 

----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Thu May 03 17:01:43 2007
Subject: Re: Oracle and mySql backups?

For our mySql and mssql backups we dump the databases an hour or so
prior to the start of the backup cycle. For mySql it's a bash script
launched by a cron job, for mssql it's a backup job scheduled through
EM. We generally keep about a weeks worth on the disk.

Our amanda server only backs up the sql dump directory. It's quicker and
easier for us to install a server and restore the data than to do a bare
bones recover.


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