My solaris machine seems to have backed up fine last night,
however, none of my holding disks were drained.  I do nightly
backups to the holding disk Monday - Thursday then put in the tape
on Friday, autoflush used to take care of the rest, not so last

  So this morning I run amflush <config> and  select ALL for the 
directories I want to flush.  As in the man page, I expect:

  Are you sure you want to do this? yes
  Running in background, you can log off now.
  You'll get mail when amflush is finished.

But that never comes up, eventually I log off and amflush dies, now
when I try to use it I get:

Scanning /home1/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.
Scanning /home2/dumps/amanda...
  20070428150002: found Amanda directory.
  20070430190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070501190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070502190001: found Amanda directory.
  20070503190001: found Amanda directory.

Multiple Amanda directories, please pick one by letter:
  A. 20070428150002
  B. 20070430190001
  C. 20070501190001
  D. 20070502190001
  E. 20070503190001
Select directories to flush [A..E]: [ALL] 
Could not find any valid dump image, check directory.

How can I flush these?

Steven J. Backus                        Computer Specialist
University of Utah                      E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Biomedical Informatics                  Alternate:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
391 Chipeta Way -- Suite D150           Office:  801.587.9308
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1266 

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