Robert McCraw,
Dustin Mitcher,
Christopher McCrory,
Peter Kunst,
Amanda users,

I want to thank you for your help. I did find an older version of
gtar - that I believe to be working. Its a 1.13 but I don't see a
more specific version number (from SFW collection). I will replace
as suggested if I have any issues with it.

As I haven't run amrecover but rather have used amrestore it shouldn't
be an issue, though I could like to begin using amrecover because of
the number of cross platform dumps we perform (though not on this box
which is client=server with no additional clients, at least for now).

I ended up recompiling 2.4.4 on Solaris 8 to run on this Solaris 9 system.
Had a few false starts, found this morning that my amanda user, the
newly created "amanda" username, was locked and cron failed the job
request, previously we ran as use bin, but I've been separating the
task out as I update the various servers at our site.

A test of amdump and amrestore brought a tar ball back from tape, and
expecting that the paths files where all prefixed with long numeric
ids, I don't yet know why... is there something I need to know here ?

Also, we seem to be running gzip for these gtar dumps, I don't know 
why and have to assume default behavior and bad syntax in the very
historic amanda.conf file, though we didn't run gzip against the ufsdump'd
DLEs and those dumptypes have the same syntax. So that also needs to be
puzzled out.

amdump is running from cron at the moment, when it completes I'll try
another restore and try to understand the dumptype sytax better
("options no-compress", it looks right).

Looking forward to replacing the E250 with the new x4100 and the
LTO, SDLT320 combo with the new C2/LTO3 (we already have one in
house, long thread on that from a year or so ago...) and Solaris 9
with S10.

Yesterday was a long day and I was both glad to see it end and
greatful for your support.


   Brian R Cuttler                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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