Sorry, I will post my configs this time. I have them split up into 2 separate backups. DailyTapes run from Monday-Saturday and WeeklyTapes run on Sunday which are always full backups. I meant the conf files by "Them".

Here is my amanda.conf from DailyTape only.

dumpcycle 7     # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 7          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
# (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 15 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation
                       # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                       # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                       # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                       # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                       # cycle
runtapes 3 # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst0"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used

changerfile "/etc/amanda/tape/changer"
changerdev "/dev/sg0"
tapetype IBM-LTO2 # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)

holdingdisk hd2 {
   directory "/home/amandahold"
   use 50000Mb

labelstr "^DailyTape-[0-9][0-9]*$" # label constraint regex: all tapes must match

dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                       # for each client host
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.

includefile "/etc/amanda/tape/advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/tape/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/tape/tapetypes"

Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 04:26:46PM -0500, James Wilson wrote:
Amanda is not reusing tapes in my library. I have them setup to overwrite when it reaches the last tape but now I am getting this tape error. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [No writable valid tape found].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush again to flush them to tape.
The next 3 tapes Amanda expects to use are: a new tape, a new tape, DailyTape-21.
The next new tape already labelled is: WeeklyTape-14.

Amanda doesn't seem to agree with you.

When you say "I have them setup", what is "them", the library or
the amanda config.  What is your amanda config, particularly the
value of tapecycle?  How many tapes are in the library?  Why does
it think some of your tapes for the same config are called DailyTape...
and others are called WeeklyTape...?  Is the tape WeeklyTape-14 in
the library?

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