Jon, thanks for the suggestions. I will give them a try (carefully :))
Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 10:29:45AM -0700, Don Murray wrote:
Just a couple of minor things, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I'm going to ignore your details and key on the concept : you want to
have a weekly and a daily back up.
I wanted to do this too and went down the path of investigating multiple
configurations like you are doing. But it really bugged me that I have
to basically do 2 level-0 backups a week, one for the weekly and one for
the daily (since the daily backup configuration isn't aware of the
weekly). My reason for having a weekly backup is because I want to be
able to archive the tapes periodically, but I don't need to have the 2
configurations fully separate.
After messing around, I finally figured out that what I wanted was a
single configuration with a forced level 0 on saturday night.
So, I set up a single "daily" configuration. Inside /etc/amanda/daily I
added a scripts called "forceall" that looks like this:
-bash-3.00$ cat forceall
/usr/sbin/amadmin daily force \
windsor / \
gilmore / \
gilmore /backedup/project \
gilmore /backedup/home \
gateway2 / \
imap / \
asterisk /
- so yes, I have to specify all my disk entries in this file, which is a
pain and a possible issue when you change the entries - but my disk
configuration is pretty stable.
The amadmin command documents the force command as:
force [ hostname [ disks ]* ]+
I.e. the disk names, and even the host names are optional. If you are
forcing every DLE to a level 0 this suggests you could simplify
your script to just listing hostnames, and even omitting them.
My crontab looks like:
# ---------------- minute (0-59)
# | ------------- hour (0-23)
# | | ---------- day of month (1-31)
# | | | ------- month (1-12)
# | | | | ---- day of the week (0-7 sunday = 0 or 7)
# | | | | |
# * * * * *
# check the configuration each evening
00 20 * * 0-5 /usr/sbin/amcheck -m daily
# run pgrdaily every weekday and Saturday morning
05 03 * * 1-6 /usr/sbin/amdump daily
# on Saturday morning, make sure its a level 0
00 03 * * 6 /etc/amanda/daily/forceall
amdump doesn't run on Sunday, giving the Saturday job enough chance to
dump everything as it can take more than 24 hours for a full level 0.
But each Saturday before the dump, I run the forceall script that tells
amanda to make the next run a level 0.
I'd be concerned that the forceall was missed. Yeah 5 minute difference
is not much. But another way you could set up your crontab is to do
the "amdump daily" only 5 times a week and on Saturday do a combination
of "forceall && amdump daily".
Do you set up your dumptype to do incronly so it will never do a level 0
on its own?
JG Computing
4455 Province Line Road (609) 252-0159
Princeton, NJ 08540-4322 (609) 683-7220 (fax)