
A DLE using tape spanning from a client (amanda 2.5.1p3 Debian/Sarge)
to server (2.5.2p1 SGI/Irix) just seems to dump **extremely** slowly:
so far in ~8hrs not even one chunk of 9GB has made it to tape. All the
other DLEs (non-spanning) on that client dump as fast as the network
allows and all the other DLEs (local, with or without spanning) dump
as fast as the tape drive can stream. 


su amanda -c "/opt/amanda/amanda3/sbin/amadmin \
stk_80-conf3 disklist gaspar /export_raid06/koenigstiger1"
line 60:
    host gaspar:
        interface default
    disk /export_raid06/koenigstiger1:
        program "GNUTAR"
        priority 2
        dumpcycle 14
        maxdumps 6
        maxpromoteday 10000
        bumpsize 20480
        bumpdays 2
        bumpmult 4.000000
        strategy STANDARD
        ignore NO
        estimate CALCSIZE
        compress NONE
        encrypt NONE
        auth bsdtcp
        kencrypt NO
        amandad_path X
        client_username X
        ssh_keys X
        holdingdisk AUTO
        record YES
        index YES
        starttime 0000
        tape_splitsize 9437184
        split_diskbuffer /holddisk/conf3/split_diskbuffer
        fallback_splitsize 20480Mb
        skip-incr NO
        skip-full NO
        spindle -1

The taper debug file on the server shows:

create_split_buffer: open file /holddisk/conf3/split_diskbuffer/splitdump_buffer
create_split_buffer: mmap file 
/holddisk/conf3/split_diskbuffer/splitdump_buffer for 9437184kb
taper: r: buffering 9437184kb split chunks in mmapped file 
taper: time 28852.553: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
taper: time 28852.561: bind_portrange2: Try  port 17328: Available   - Success
taper: time 28852.564: stream_server: waiting for connection:
taper: time 28852.584: stream_accept: connection from
taper: time 28852.584: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
taper: Building type 6 (SPLIT_FILE) header of size 32768 using:
taper: Contents of *(dumpfile_t *)10026ad8:
taper:     type             = 6 (SPLIT_FILE)
taper:     datestamp        = '20070718'
taper:     dumplevel        = 0
taper:     compressed       = 0
taper:     encrypted        = 0
taper:     comp_suffix      = 'N'
taper:     encrypt_suffix   = ''
taper:     name             = 'gaspar'
taper:     disk             = '/export_raid06/koenigstiger1'
taper:     program          = '/opt/bin/tar'
taper:     dumper           = ''
taper:     srvcompprog      = ''
taper:     clntcompprog     = ''
taper:     srv_encrypt      = ''
taper:     clnt_encrypt     = ''
taper:     recover_cmd      = '   /opt/bin/tar -f - ...'
taper:     uncompress_cmd   = ''
taper:     encrypt_cmd      = ''
taper:     decrypt_cmd      = ''
taper:     srv_decrypt_opt  = ''
taper:     clnt_decrypt_opt = ''
taper:     cont_filename    = ''
taper:     is_partial       = 0
taper:     partnum          = 1
taper:     totalparts       = -1
taper:     blocksize        = 32768

<° ><

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