
fedora schrieb:
1) "No writable valid tape found". What does it mean?

There was no tape in your drive/changer or it was not writeable (write protected, broken tape, no tape with valid label,...)

2) Do I need to run amflush? I found out a folder in holding disk dated 23
July 2007.

If the folder isn't empty, you have to run amflush, if you want to have your data on tape.

3) "can't switch to incremental dump". What does it mean? (causing failed
for the dump summary "domin11 -/lib/mysql 0 FAILED......." )

Amanda can't do a full dump on your tape, because of to less space. And without having a full dump, Amanda can't do an incremental dump. This could happen if you only use one tape and the estimated size is compressed (if you use compression) bigger than your tape. Or you use more tapes and you don't use splitting, ...

4) "cannot overwrite active tape DailySet1*".  What does it mean?

Seams you have too less tapes configured for one dumpcycle. Dumpcycle is the number of of days in a backup cycle (e.g. one week). Amanda tries to do a full backup at least this often (e.g. once per week). When you have e.g. runspercycle=7 (how often you let amanda do amdump in dumpcycle) and a tapecycle of 6, then amanda had to overwrite the first tape again to do the backup on the last day. And this is what the message means. You can't overwrite the tape, because you could never do a restore then, because of the overwritten first tape. Amanda prevent you doing that.

# man amanda.conf
- > tapecycle
This is calculated by multiplying the number of amdump runs per dump cycle (runspercycle parameter) times the number of tapes used per run (runtapes parameter). Typically two to four times this calculated number of tapes are in rotation.

5) "taper: changer problem: 11 file:/backup/amanda/dumps/tape11". What does
it mean?

Somethings wrong with your changer. :-) Any more information?

6) For  big/small estimate, What is the different between them? As I know
level 0 is full backup, level 1 is incremental and what about level 2?

I'm not sure about the meaning of big/small estimate.
Level 0 is full
Level 1 is incremental incremental since last level 0
Level 2 is incremental incremental since last level 1

7) Lastly, all my client servers got N/A result for the taper stats accept
domain11. Why?
Amanda clients running? Firewalls? Any messages inside the logs?


Marc Muehlfeld (Leitung Systemadministration)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-78

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