On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 10:56:31PM +0200, Ralf Auer wrote:
>       it's working now! Still kinda strange for me. What I did was the
> following:
> I purged the 'flex', 'bison' and 'libreadline5-dev' Ubuntu packages from
> my office machine. (Those packages are not installed on my laptop, where
> the sources cleanly compiled yesterday).
> After this purging I re-downloaded the 2.5.2p1 tarball from the Amanda
> download page, and voila! Everything is compiling now. So it looks like
> probably the Ubuntu 'flex' package caused the trouble. Don't know, why,
> but now I have a pretty nice up-to-date Amanda installation running on
> my machines.  *happy*

Great!  I'm not sure if the bug was in Amanda or Ubuntu, but I'm glad
things are working for you now.  Perhaps, as the testing process gets
started in the community version (no, folks, I haven't forgotten!),
you can help us out with Ubuntu testing.

> By the way, maybe you could also answer this question: I need a
> completely statically linked Amanda for some hosts. Is it enough to
> append '--enable-dynamic=no --enable-static=yes' to configure, or do I
> also have to set something like CXXFLAGS=CFLAGS=LDFLAGS=...FLAGS=-static ?

I don't know the answer to that, except to say that Amanda pretty much
lets automake and libtool worry about linking, so it "should" work.
It'd be nice to hear a positive or negative result from trying it.


        Dustin J. Mitchell
        Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.

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